
Pet Inventory Project #Java #SQL

A pet inventory where you can add, update or delete pets, clients or purchases from the database through a cool interface with a lot of sound effects. This was my first project and i did it in my first year of Higher Degree of Web Development.


cd /portfolio/petInventoryProject


Rock Paper Scissors #React Native

I did this game with React Native for learn more about this awesome technology. You can play rock paper scissors against the machine and add points for one of the two teams (Human or Machine). You can try it in your mobile phone with a QR Code that is in this repository.


cd /portfolio/rpsProject


Weather App #React.js

In this web app made it with React.js, you can check the weather and the degrees from any city in the world. If you put an incorrect city, you will have an error message.


cd /portfolio/weatherAppReact


Virtual Assistant #Python

Doing this project was a lot of fun for me. Its a virtual assistant that you can speak with her with your voice calling her by her name. Have a lot of services like ask for jokes, show you the calendary, play music form youtube, ask for the weather, search in wikipedia and create a reminder file.


cd /portfolio/virtualAssistant